
Phage Surface Display

Phage Surface Display

  • Background
  • Platform Overview

Phage surface display has gained immense popularity as a highly effective antibody screening technology. At our company, we have developed an advanced phage surface display platform that offers a dependable and efficient solution for screening single domain antibodies (sdAbs). With our expertise, our team can construct comprehensive sdAb libraries tailored to your specific requirements, providing a wide selection of potential targets for your antibody screening projects.

Principles of Phage Surface Display

Phage surface display has found extensive applications in various areas, including antibody discovery, drug development, and biocatalysis. It utilizes bacteriophages as a platform to present proteins or peptides of interest on their surface. The technique involves genetically fusing the gene encoding the protein or peptide to be displayed with a gene encoding a phage coat protein. This fusion leads to the expression of the protein or peptide on the surface of the phage particle.

The whole process of phage display.Fig. 1 Principle of phage surface display technology. (Anand T, et al., 2021)

Our Services

Taking advantage of our extensive expertise in this field, our company has successfully developed a robust phage surface display technology platform. This platform offers a wide range of services, including phage display library construction and single domain antibody (sdAb) screening, to meet the diverse needs of our customers. With our in-depth knowledge and cutting-edge platform, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions for sdAb discovery and development.

Construction of Phage Display Libraries

Library Construction
The coding regions of sdAbs are isolated from immune libraries of camelids or cartilaginous fish. These sdAb genes are then cloned into a phage display vector, where they are genetically fused with phage coat protein genes, allowing the sdAb to be displayed on the phage surface.
Library Optimization
To enhance library diversity or optimize its functionality, techniques such as random mutagenesis, chain shuffling, or synthetic libraries can be employed to introduce diversity and generate sdAb libraries with an expanded sequence space.
Optional Models
  • M13 Phage
  • Filamentous Phages
  • T4 Phage
  • T7 Phage
  • λ Phage
  • Lambdoid Phages

Selection and Screening of Single Domain Antibodies

Binding test

Binding Assay Setup

The target molecule or antigen against which the sdAbs will be screened is prepared. The target can be a protein, peptide, small molecule, or even a complex cellular target. The target is immobilized or coated onto a solid support, such as a microplate well or a bead, to facilitate the binding assay.

Multiple rounds of selection.

Biopanning Selection Rounds

The sdAb library is subjected to iterative rounds of biopanning, which involves exposing the library to the target molecule and enriching phages displaying sdAbs with desired binding properties.

Antibody characterization.

Validation and Characterization

Next, the enriched phage population is validated to ensure the binding specificity and affinity of the selected sdAbs. This can involve various assays, such as ELISA or surface plasmon resonance (SPR), to assess the binding characteristics of the sdAbs.

Antibody expression.

Cloning and Expression

The genes encoding the selected sdAbs are cloned and expressed to produce the purified sdAbs for further characterization and functional studies. This typically involves subcloning the sdAb genes into an appropriate expression vector and expressing them in a suitable host system, such as bacteria or mammalian cells.

Advantages of Phage Surface Display

  • Easy to screen large and diverse sdAb libraries
  • Easy to control the screening process
  • Fast cycle time
  • Saving labor and costs
  • High screening efficiency
  • Suitable for large-scale production
  • Direct access to sequences
  • No clone viability issues

Our Advantages

Time-saving services with high efficiency

Professional and experienced team

Cutting edge technology platform

Numerous service cases and customer praise

At our company, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of single domain antibody screening technologies. We are committed to driving innovation and developing novel approaches that revolutionize the field. If you are interested in our services, please don't hesitate to contact us for further information and pricing details.


  1. Anand T, Virmani N, Bera B C, et al. Phage display technique as a tool for diagnosis and antibody selection for coronaviruses[J]. Current Microbiology, 2021, 78(4): 1124-1134.
  2. Wu, Yanling, Shibo Jiang, and Tianlei Ying. "Single-domain antibodies as therapeutics against human viral diseases." Frontiers in immunology 8 (2017): 1802.

For research use only, not for clinical use.